July 26, 2015
It seems that when wildflowers are in full bloom, so are the mosquitoes. And so too when the wildflowers are past their prime, the mosquitoes hum has faded. So on that note, we drove up Highway 62 and 230 to the
Hummingbird Meadows trailhead on the last Sunday of July anticipating few wildflowers but looking forward to hiking.
When we started our hike the temperature was only 58 degrees and throughout our hike it stayed near 70 degrees - perfect for hiking! The Hummingbird Meadows trail is just under a half mile in length and serves as a connector trail to the
Buck Canyon trail. However during that short distance we went through two meadows and crossed Muir Creek.
The meadows got their name as you might imagine from all the hummingbirds that frequent this area during the wildflower bloom, especially when their favorite flower, Horse Mint, is in bloom. Even though almost every flower had faded, we did find one (maybe the last one) Horse Mint still with color.
The last Horse Mint flower still in bloom!!!! |
Since the snow levels were low this year, Muir Creek was pretty easy to cross as we hopped from one rock to another. Katie just walked right through it as normal.
Muir Creek was more of a trickle and easily crossed. |
Once we connected with the Buck Canyon trail, we hiked another couple of miles out to the Upper Meadow.
Along the way we kept running into sections of trail that split and later would merge. It seems that folks created these trails to get around fallen trails from seasons past.
Which trail do you choose? One of the many forks in the Buck Canyon trail. |
The various meadows along the Buck Canyon trail still had plenty of flowers for viewing like Columbine, Aster, Paintbrush, Monks Hood, Tiger Lilies, Giant Larkspur, Hedge Nettle & Goldenrod. There were also Huckleberries, Thimbleberries, Baneberries and other berries all within reach as we made our way through the meadows and woods.
Columbine -- always beautiful! |
Monks Hood - very pretty and still many in bloom. |
Tiger Lily -- always makes us think of Peter Pan. |
Aster - the most numerous of the flowers still in bloom. |
Not sure what specific type of berry this was, but they sure look good! |
Even the butterflies are still enjoying the flowers. |
As we passed the Devil's Slide area, we came to our turnaround and lunch spot, the Upper Meadow. Katie spent most of her break time in Muir Creek. We did meet a family of four on the trail who were heading back to the Hummingbird Meadows trailhead. They had backpacked out and camped overnight for the weekend.
Devil's Slide rock area and the Upper Meadow |
The hike back gave us the chance to see and enjoy the beautiful meadows once again and at one point we could hear elk just beyond the shrub boarder of a meadow. We enjoyed the beauty of the area and it was a nice break from the summer heat in Southern Oregon. We can only imagine what this area must look like during the prime wildflower blooming. Guess we'll have to buy some Deet and try it.
Trekking Together
Glenn & Carol
Note: In early June our fellow hikers from
Friends of the Umpqua Hiking Club hiked the Buck Canyon Trail from a different starting point. To read about their hike and view pictures, click