Sunday, January 27, 2019

Lower Table Rock - Above The Clouds

January 27, 2019

As of late, clouds/fog have filled the Rogue Valley in the a.m. hours only to give way around 2:00 pm or so to sunshine.  So afternoon hikes have become the new norm.  Today though we decided to venture out to Lower Table Rock and see if we could rise above the clouds before 2:00 pm.

The sunshine fights through the clouds and trees as we near the plateau of Lower Table Rock
With the recent government shutdown and lack of maintenance reported at the Table Rock trailheads (and factor in the clouds and cold weather), we were surprised that the parking lot at Lower Table Rock was about half full.  Our hike started out in the clouds/fog, and it didn't take long for our hearts and lungs to get really pumping with the cold air and steady climbing along the trail.  As we neared the end of the 1.4 mile climb to the plateau, we began seeing sunshine beaming through the trees and had to stop to get a few pictures.

Plateau reached with sunshine and muddy trails ahead.

One of the larger vernal pools
Once we reached the plateau it was all sunshine!  We had a great view of snow covered Mt McLoughlin (Mt Pitt to the old timers) and the plateau was full of vernal pools from recent rains.  We stopped a couple of times on our trek across the plateau to listen to all the frogs who were out enjoying the sunshine and pools too.

Our view of the Rogue Valley, a sea of clouds.

Mt McLoughin above the clouds

Even Upper Table Rock is above the clouds
When we reached the view point at the far end, we looked out across the ocean of clouds that still engulfed the Rogue Valley. What a view! We watched a couple of airplanes circle and then disappear into the clouds at they landed at the RV airport and looking across the valley we could also see  Upper Table Rock basking in the sunshine.   Great views all around.

Proof that the sun was shining on Lower Table Rock
As we descended on our return down Lower Table Rock, the clouds disappeared and by the time we got to our car sunshine had come to the Rogue Valley.  But for just a little while we were above the clouds and were treated to some unique views.

Trekking Together
Glenn & Carol

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